Reading and writing comma-separated data
We are going to do some analysis on real life data.
Reading Airport data
Data is present in the below link :
and save it as “airports.dat”
Following code will show you the Names of all routes in that
Airline Route Histogram
Tasks to be completed with the above data :
Using the "airports.dat" data use the unique ID and map
it to the respective geographical coordinates (latitudes and longitudes). With
this you can find the location of the
Reading the data from airports.dat file
Go to the above link and download the “Routes.dat” file.
With the help of the ID of source and destination airport
,look up the coordinates of the airports and calculate the route distances. Based
on the latitudes and longitudes we would be able to know the length of the
route and append it to the list of all route length.
Geodistance calculation
Download the program from the above link and save it to
your local.
Load and run the program.
Now you can import it and fine the geodistance between
two airports.
Plot a
histogram based on the route lengths to show the distribution of different
flight distances.